Sunday, September 28, 2008

The World Loses a Legend

A legend passed away this weekend. First time I saw Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, I couldn't believe the beauty of this man. My only other comparisons are the great Marlon Brando and the constant player, Warren Beatty.

Paul Newman tried to be anything but the "Paul Newman" you see on screen or on stage. Always guarding his privacy from the public eye, this award winning actor, director and devoted philanthropist, donated over $120 million (unprecedented by any other actor or actress) to charities from his 100+ product line of salad dressings and pasta sauces. In 2006, he quietly turned over all proceeds and the entire value of his ownership in Newsman's Own to charity.

Dear Mr. Newman,

You will always be this blue-eyed, blond haired beautiful, beautiful man. The one who has stayed faithful and married to your beautiful wife, the one who continually challenges himself, the one with a dry humor, the one who despite all the evils in the world (especially in Hollywood) was able to stay private and true and inspiring. You will truly always be to me, Brick Pollit. Only you could have stolen the spotlight from the goddess that is Liz.

The world has lost another one of its greats. Thank you for gracing me with your beauty.

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