Thursday, May 15, 2008

Feel the Love

So last night I went to the Cut Copy concert BY MYSELF. I'm pretty independent but this was a new venture for me. I almost bailed b/c I was so tired but I dragged myself there to the Bowery Ballroom which I love as a venue. For the opening band, Mobius Band I was downstairs and I actually fell in love with them. I wasn't going to see the opening band but a coworker recommended I check them out and I'm glad I did.

There was a LONG intermission before Cut Copy came on but finally they stepped onstage at 11:30. They played mostly songs from their new album but a couple of oldies really got the crowd jumping, literally. It was a packed house full of real Cut Copy fans (I'm a newbie, I know...LAME!) and everyone was in great spirits, dancing around and singing at the top of their lungs. The only lame part was that they were only on for about an hour. Oh and the fact that my train stopped running at midnight so I had to detour and it took me an extra 45 minutes to get home!!!

At first I felt a bit weird but once the bands came on, who really cares who you're with since in reality, you're there for the music. So it really makes no difference if you're dancing around by yourself in your apt or at a live show.

I've missed so many shows here since nobody I know here really likes to see them (which is SHOCKING to me) and don't really share my taste in music but I've popped my cherry and am now going full throttle!!!

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