Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning

I'm doing some spring cleaning of my personal life. This means unreliable, bad and just stupid people are no longer going to be apart of my life. Time to say bye, bye!!! I am only going to surround myself with good people. Ok, not saying I'm cutting them 100% out of my life but not caring as much, not depending, wondering, etc. 

This makes me feel great and awesome. Going home to TO in a month with the help of amazing friends and a fundraising group on Facebook, hopefully going to the LA office for a mini exchange, visiting family and HOPEFULLY going to London/Europe to visit a friends maybe in the fall. This is all under the term "hopeful" b/c I'm hoping that I will be able to save money for all.

On a side note, my visa ends in April so I've decided to apply for an H1-B visa in April b/c oddly enough, PR is a "desired" profession here in the US of A. This visa will be good for 6 years so maybe after the 6 or even before I'll finally be ready for hometime, as in TO hometime but you never know what can happen in 6 years. Plus, this visa has a quota, last year it opened on April 1st, the quota was set for 65,000 and this was hit at April 2nd when they had to close it so then it became a lottery so in reality, my chances aren't 100%. 

Weekend was fun, great, tiring and accompanied with great people. One of my oldest friends and his GF came to visit. We ate good food, walked a lot, shopped a lot, drank a lot and just had general GTs. This Monday is my first official American holiday, totally excited.

Happy belated Victoria Day to my Canadian peeps!!! 95% of my time is still lovely and beautiful here while the other 5% is wrought with anxiety, lonliness and a general state of "what the fuck did I just do?!" I got about 6 more months until I'm supposed to feel truly settled, can't wait.

Be well my friends! xo 

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Feel the Love

So last night I went to the Cut Copy concert BY MYSELF. I'm pretty independent but this was a new venture for me. I almost bailed b/c I was so tired but I dragged myself there to the Bowery Ballroom which I love as a venue. For the opening band, Mobius Band I was downstairs and I actually fell in love with them. I wasn't going to see the opening band but a coworker recommended I check them out and I'm glad I did.

There was a LONG intermission before Cut Copy came on but finally they stepped onstage at 11:30. They played mostly songs from their new album but a couple of oldies really got the crowd jumping, literally. It was a packed house full of real Cut Copy fans (I'm a newbie, I know...LAME!) and everyone was in great spirits, dancing around and singing at the top of their lungs. The only lame part was that they were only on for about an hour. Oh and the fact that my train stopped running at midnight so I had to detour and it took me an extra 45 minutes to get home!!!

At first I felt a bit weird but once the bands came on, who really cares who you're with since in reality, you're there for the music. So it really makes no difference if you're dancing around by yourself in your apt or at a live show.

I've missed so many shows here since nobody I know here really likes to see them (which is SHOCKING to me) and don't really share my taste in music but I've popped my cherry and am now going full throttle!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Met Costume Institute Gala

Every year I get super excited about the Met's Costume Institute Gala b/c this is wear all the really daring and eccentric stars shine with their fashion choices. So this morning, I eagerly went online to check out the photos and was SADLY DISAPPOINTED!! This year the theme was Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy but I definitely did not see any superheroes or anything that brought me into a fantasy.

Below are the only ones that I could BARELY stand. Love Posh's vintage Armani, Ashley's DVF is stunning, MK's I'm torn on, Kate - on the money, can never go wrong with vintage Chanel (ask Kirsten Dunst) and Christina Ricci was golden (haven't figured out yet who she wore).

J.Lo looked hideous as did Katie Holmes, Beyonce's a stupid dog as always in the same dresses she always wears, Fergie looked like a mack truck in that hideous gown, Eva Mendez doesn't need to exist anymore in my life and DON'T GET ME STARTED ON SCAR JO!! And what the hell were Hilary Duff and Blake Lively doing there??? I'm so confused and distraught. The supposed FASHION EVENT of the year did not live up to my expectations as in the past where it has met and even surpassed them.


Monday, May 5, 2008


Spent a lazy Sunday in the city yesterday. It was supposed to piss rain all day but was beautiful, sunny and hot. Woke up around 9:00 am and went down to Animal Haven to an event that my work was volunteering at, "Adopt a Pet." Sooo cute, the little doggies, wish I could have one. Then met my friend M for CHEAP sushi and after, just walked and walked all around the city. Seriously though, NOTHING is better than walking around NYC on a warm spring day, NOTHING!!

Went to Tokio 7, which I found thanks to Aiko. It has tons of designer vintage for a 1/4 of the real price. I ended up snagging a pair of 4" blue Manolo Blahniks for only $80!!!Totally hot with tons of toe cleavage ... problem is walking. We then continued to walk around and around until our little feet and hearts were tuckered out. I then went to go see my special person for a lovely evening.

Even though rehab is boring, I feel rested, rejuvenated and as fresh as morning dew (FYI: there is no morning dew in NY). Great weekend was had by me with tons of great deals and finds. Hope all is well wherever you are.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


So I was lazily walking around the Slope, Park Slope that is when I stopped by the neighbourhood, weekend flea market. After walking around, I stumbled upon a random table with all random finds. I see a Polaroid camera, the One-Step 600 to be exact and ask how much. He tells me $5 I ask if it still works, he says yes, I ask if he has film, he says no and I buy either way. I know that supposedly Polaroid film is now hard to find b/c of it's imminent extinction but I felt why not and if I seriously can't find film, at least I'll have a piece of history. The thing is, when I was like 8 and lived in Texas, I begged, begged and begged my parents for a Cool Cam camera for Christmas. I particularly wanted the pink and either grey or green one. So a couple of days before Christmas, I snuck into my parents closet, scaled the wall, crawled across the shelf to find my camera!!! Even though it was red and black I still loved. Then I got caught and got in MAJOR shit!!! Anyways, this camera brings back memories of me being in Texas and loving my life. I know it's "cool" and all to have one but seriously, I couldn't find my old one so it's brings back a bunch of nostalgia for me.

Anyways, on with the story, so I start walking around the Slope going to random camera stores that are all like, "oh no, good luck with that, those are impossible to find now, we just sold our last boxes, etc." So finally I go into a Rite Aid and low and behold, there are about 20 boxes. So I immediately text my friend J who had mentioned his desire to find some film but can't in T.O. and buy him a couple of boxes and some for myself. On the way home I go to another Rite Aid to pick up a prescription and low and behold, there are about 20 more boxes. The bounty is abundant!!!

Lesson to be learned...just go into a normal store, that sells to normal people and there you go, there will be tons and tons of film. Well at least until they run out but seriously, I found lots. Sometimes I'm grateful I'm not "cool." Makes life so much easier to be normal no? 

Have a great weekend all. I'm in rehab and I'm bored as hell so I may relapse and go out tonight...who knows, we'll see. I'm seeing my special person tomorrow and doing something TOTALLY NOT me that is unmentionable so I may need to gear up and ready my brain for this.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Next Couple of Weeks...

What I'm Reading:
  • The Picture of Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde
  • To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf
What I'm Doing:
  • Recuperating from my weekends with J&J and Gugs
  • Detoxifying
  • Planning my weekend with CC and his GF
  • Catching up on lost sleep
  • Putting down mousetraps EVERYWHERE, I saw one
What I'm Listening to:
  • Cut Copy
  • MGMT
  • BSS
  • Cat Power (always)
What I Miss:Toronto in general
  • My mom for mother's day
  • Ketchup & dill pickle chips
  • My girlfriends
  • My out of town guests
  • My husband (haha)
  • Terroni
  • The Black Hole aka Beaconsfield
What I'm Saving For:
  • Plane ticket to Toronto
  • A Chloe bag (always)
  • Dresser
  • A dress for Marco's wedding