Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy Last Year of My 20's!!!!!

Sooo, unless my friends are your friends, which maybe the case but if not, that means that my friends are definitely better than your friends!! 50% of me still thinks I should've flown home to T.O. for my bday/easter but I didn't. It's okay, I have many, many lovely people to celebrate with here and we will do many, many, bad, bad things to celebrate the final year of my 20's!!! Many drinks are going to be drank, many melting face photos are to be taken, many provocative outfits are to be worn (remember my motto: a bit eclectic with always a bit of inappropriateness) and many other unmentionable things are to happen.

It's been a rough 29 years but I've made it...barely!! (I'm joking!) This is going to be my year...LOL!!! My cousin and bro tell me that every year b/c the last 10 have been shit but I may actually believe them this time. Someone finally gave me a break and it feels damn good to be on top!!

Thanks to everyone for all the warm wishes!!! So early yet I already got so many and that is why I have THE BESTEST friends ever!! It's the last year of my 20's and I'm excited to be leaving them behind!! Um, here is me in my everyday costume, I'm also known as GoGo to many. This is what I'm wearing tonight, tomorrow, Friday and Saturday!


lower case g said...

happy birthday yo - and where should i go for fun in NYC??!?! where are YOU going?

little one said...

when are you coming? if you're here on friday come meet up with all of us, we're going out for my bday!! we're eating congee (chinese) then bars in LES.

let me know where you two are at. 347-213-5337.

for dinner...i went to mercer kitchen on wed...you must go it's in soho. for going out out, you guys more clubs or bars? need help helping you!!!

jessica said...

happpppppy birthday~!
hahha. i have to say it on here too. obvi.